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Welcome to
St. Paul's!

St. Paul's is a growing congregation that relies totally and completely upon the mercy of God.  In truth, none of us quite measures up.  Perhaps you have felt this way.  Well, you are not alone.  We have all stumbled and fallen short in so many ways.  However, God is gracious and he loves and forgives us, not because of anything we have done, but solely because of what Jesus Christ has done for us.  This is the message that has touched the lives of each member of St. Paul's. 


Since 1883, St. Paul’s has been singularly focused on one message:  “We preach Christ crucified . . .” (1 Corinthians 1:23). This is the heart and soul of the gospel - the gracious good news of Jesus Christ.  This is not only what brings us together as a group of believers but also what shapes our lives as those who follow Jesus Christ.


Our goal as a congregation of God’s people is to remain centered on Christ, focused on his Cross, inspired by his Word, and devoted to his Sacraments.  We  proclaim the unchanging message of Jesus to the modern world, while at the same time not abandoning our historic past as Christians of the Reformation.  Our mission is to remain faithful to the Word of God, share the good news of Jesus with all, and grow in faith and discipleship.


We invite you to join us and to explore the depth and the riches of the gospel, to hear of God’s grace for you, to learn what the Bible teaches us about Jesus, to receive his gifts in worship, and to live for him both now and for eternity.

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